Emotional Intelligence by Design

Your Unique Map to Self Empowerment, Courage & Emotional Wisdom Through Human Design

What if your emotions are your deepest source of wisdom and your fears are your opportunity to step into your courage?

Are you tired of your emotions and fears holding you back from achieving your goals?

Do you want to break free from fear and emotional turmoil that sabotage your progress?

Are you ready to overcome the anxiety that's holding you back so you can show up with courage and confidence?

Do you want to turn your perceived weaknesses into strengths that supercharge your growth?

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your emotional intelligence so you can live a more rewarding life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place.

When I learned about my emotional system including my fears through the lens of Human Design, it opened up soooo much for me. Things really started to make sense.

  • How can I overcome these fears that I know are sabotaging my success and keeping me from showing up authentically?

  • Why am I so emotional sometimes, can’t connect with my emotions at other times and how is this impacting my business?

  • Why are other people so impacted by how I’m feeling and how can I use this to empower others?

  • Where do these burst of melancholy come from that make me want to hide out?

  • How can I manage emotional explosions so I don't burn things to the ground and instead grow from them?

All of it was mapped out in my Human Design chart. The problem was I didn’t know how to use this energy in a beneficial way. The solution was learning and understanding my emotional make up including my fear through Human Design.

Learning to understand what my emotions and fears were actually telling me, allowing myself to experience them, accept them and even embrace them, without acting out on them or burning things to the ground  was a profound healing experience.

Overcoming the irrational fears that kept me in hiding, allowed me to show up consistently in my business and my relationships for the first time in my life.

Even though I've been a seeker pursuing all kinds of healing for as long as I can remember, the impact that learning, understanding and living into my Human Design made was unparalleled to anything else I’ve done.

You don’t need to be fixed. There is nothing wrong with you. When you understand and work with your emotions and fears, your life will change in the most profound ways.

Hi! I'm Vanessa!

I’ve struggled with my emotions and fears for much of my life. People who knew me when I was a kid/teenager recall stories of my emotional tantrums. I was known for my explosive temper.

My fears either kept me in hiding or led to bulldozing things in an attempt to overcome the fear.

I’ve ruined plenty of relationships and opportunities and have experienced deep clinical depression for which I required medication several times in my life. 

I was taught from a young age that my emotions (the difficult ones) weren’t welcome, weren’t OK and hiding and repressing them would be my best bet if I was going to be loved and accepted by others.  Turns out repression ultimately led to even bigger outbursts....eventually.

My fears stopped me from showing up authentically and revealing my true self, severely limiting my business growth potential and keeping me from connecting with the people I could actually help.

On top of all that, my fear of not being able to handle my emotions if what I feared materialized was paralyzing.

Even though I struggled when I was feeling low, I was also able to really inspire and uplift people when in a good emotional place. My enthusiasm and excitement for life can be contagious and I have countless stories of people over the years who were so grateful for my emotional support during their times of need. 

By facing my own fears and embracing my courage I've been able to help others do the same.

My emotions have affected all aspects in my life both positively and negatively. I’d learned to repress them when they weren’t welcome and put a lid on the highs so I wouldn’t feel the lows as strongly. I thought something was terribly wrong with me when I had emotional crashes and these would lead to extended lows, being very hard on myself and using questionable ways to avoid feeling the pain. 

My fears of intimacy, purposelessness, responsibility, imperfection, failure and what might or might not happen kept me from showing people who I truly was and prevented me from creating success in my business.

When I first discovered Human Design and started learning about my emotional makeup, everything started to make so much sense. I learned that there’s nothing wrong with me or my emotions. I just needed to understand them, allow myself to feel them and express them constructively without engaging in activities that  are destructive to myself or my relationships. 

I began to understand my consistent fears and how to overcome them in courageous way that added more meaning to my own life and the lives of those I support.

Understanding my emotions and fears and learning how to work with them in beneficial ways has been THE most healing thing about Human Design for me. And that’s why I LOVE sharing this work with others!!!

Hi! I'm Vanessa!

I’ve struggled with my emotions and fears for much of my life. People who knew me when I was a kid/teenager recall stories of my emotional tantrums. I was known for my explosive temper.

My fears either kept me in hiding or led to bulldozing things in an attempt to overcome the fear.

I’ve ruined plenty of relationships and opportunities and have experienced deep clinical depression for which I required medication several times in my life. 

I was taught from a young age that my emotions (the difficult ones) weren’t welcome, weren’t OK and hiding and repressing them would be my best bet if I was going to be loved and accepted by others.  Turns out repression ultimately led to even bigger outbursts....eventually.

My fears stopped me from showing up authentically and revealing my true self, severely limiting my business growth potential and keeping me from connecting with the people I could actually help.

On top of all that, my fear of not being able to handle my emotions if what I feared materialized was paralyzing.

Even though I struggled when I was feeling low, I was also able to really inspire and uplift people when in a good emotional place. My enthusiasm and excitement for life can be contagious and I have countless stories of people over the years who were so grateful for my emotional support during their times of need. 

By facing my own fears and embracing my courage I've been able to help others do the same.

My emotions have affected all aspects in my life both positively and negatively. I’d learned to repress them when they weren’t welcome and put a lid on the highs so I wouldn’t feel the lows as strongly. I thought something was terribly wrong with me when I had emotional crashes and these would lead to extended lows, being very hard on myself and using questionable ways to avoid feeling the pain. 

My fears of intimacy, purposelessness, responsibility, imperfection, failure and what might or might not happen kept me from showing people who I truly was and prevented me from creating success in my business.

When I first discovered Human Design and started learning about my emotional makeup, everything started to make so much sense. I learned that there’s nothing wrong with me or my emotions. I just needed to understand them, allow myself to feel them and express them constructively without engaging in activities that  are destructive to myself or my relationships. 

I began to understand my consistent fears and how to overcome them in courageous way that added more meaning to my own life and the lives of those I support.

Understanding my emotions and fears and learning how to work with them in beneficial ways has been THE most healing thing about Human Design for me. And that’s why I LOVE sharing this work with others!!!

The journey to emotional intelligence is not about eliminating difficult emotions or ignoring our fears but rather embracing them as an integral part of who we are and gaining the wisdom and courage they present to us.

Human Design shows us that each of us is a completely unique being, with our own emotional blueprint that influences how we experience the world. By understanding and accepting our emotional makeup and learning how to work with our fear, we can tap into our innate strengths and use them to our advantage.

Understanding your emotional makeup and learning to work with your emotions and fears in powerful ways is an absolutely necessary part of personal growth and development which affects all areas of your life including your health, relationships, career success and overall well-being.

Benefits of Understanding the Wisdom of Your Emotions

Self Love & Acceptance

Understanding yourself on such a deep level and having awareness around what your emotions are communicating to you leads to self love and acceptance.

Improved Relationships

Communicating with grace and compassion, facing your fears, showing up, knowing when it's time to be alone and when and how to communicate effectively transforms your relationships

Business Results

No more burning things to the ground due to your emotions or not being visible because of fear.

Make the best decisions for your business with equanimity.

Mental/Emotional Wellbeing

No more questioning what's wrong with you when you're feeling emotional. Instead knowing how to take care of yourself at the right time, in the right way

INTRODUCING: Emotional Intelligence By Design

What You Get:

Your Deep Dive Human Design Report

An excellent resource for those that are brand new to Human Design to get an understanding of the most important parts of their design. For those that are already familiar with their Design, this can give you a different perspective of how you operate.

Three 45-Minute Zoom Readings

We’ll get together to dig deep into your chart as we uncover the wisdom of your emotions as well as your consistent and inconsistent fears. Get practical tips and empowered support to help you show up courageously in your business and life. You’ll get recordings of your readings so you can go back to them as often as you wish.

Optional 3 Weeks of Voxer Coaching

We'll deepen what you're uncovering in our meetings through voice and text chat over Voxer. You'll have me in your pocket to answer any questions and support you as you go through the process.

Who this program is for:

The Emotional Intelligence by Human Design container is ideal for individuals who are passionate about personal development and committed to growth both professionally and personally.

If you're seeking a deeper understanding of your emotional process and how to make the most of this energy, this container is for you.

If you want to overcome the fears that have been holding you back from the success you desire, this container is also for you.

Whether you've experienced intense emotional crises in the past or simply want to enhance your emotional intelligence, our container offers a safe and supportive space for exploration and growth.

  • You’re passionate about personal development and committed to growth over your lifetime

  • You want a deeper understanding of your emotional process and how to make the most of this energy

  • You're ready to face and overcome your fears so you can show up in your business, your relationships and your life.

  • You want to understand where and how you’re influencing others and influenced by others in the emotional realm and how these energies may be showing up in your relationships

  • You want to the tools to help you make the most of your emotional experiences and fears in all areas of your life including relationships, career, abundance and health

  • Although you may have experienced intense emotional crisis or mental health issues in your life, you are currently stable and have the required mental health/therapy if needed (this program is not a substitute for therapy or mental health services)

  • You understand that you don’t need fixing. There’s nothing wrong with you. You just want to understand your emotions and fears, what they're telling you and how to best work with them so you can thrive in your life

  • You're open to experiencing the entirety of the emotional spectrum. You’re not looking to just get the emotional highs while avoiding the lows. (hint: this is impossible, the highs and the lows are directly proportional to each other)

Who this program is not for:

While this container offers valuable insights and tools for personal growth, it's important to recognize that it is not a substitute for therapy or mental health services.

If you're currently in the midst of an emotional crisis, clinical depression or are suffering from extreme phobias, please seek the support of a licensed clinician before taking this journey.

Additionally, if you're looking for a quick-fix solution to your emotional problems, this program may not be the right fit for you. Emotional mastery takes time and effort, and there are no shortcuts to lasting transformation.

  • If you’re currently in the middle of an psychological crisis, clinically depressed etc. this is not the time for this container.

  • If you're experiencing extreme phobias this is not the right space to work through them.

  • Please be sure to get the mental health support you need from a licensed clinician at this time.

  • Once you are stable and have the licensed support you need, this may be of additional help to you.

  • You are looking for a magic pill that will solve all of your emotional problems. Although it would be amazing if this existed, it doesn’t.

  • This program will help you make the most of your emotions over time.

  • You will need to take the time and do the work that’s required. There are no magic pills

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I’m brand new to Human Design. Is this program for me?

Yes, Absolutely! I'll meet you where you’re at. You’ll get a deep understanding of the fundamentals of your design as well as how it relates to your emotions and fears.

And don’t worry, we won’t spend all our reading time on the fundamentals. You’ll receive those in your customized report which I recommend you familiarize yourself with before our readings so we can really focus on your unique emotional design.

Is this only for people with emotional authority?

No. This program is for everyone, regardless of your authority. If you have an authority or decision making style that is pretty instant like sacral or splenic authority, there are other aspects in your chart relating to feelings, both yours and those of other people that you’ll want to be aware of when making big decisions.

If you do have emotional authority, there are a lot of nuances around your decision making process and the kind of emotional highs and lows you experience that can influence your decisions. This depends on how your Solar Plexus is configured and how it ties in with the rest of your chart.

Does this address emotions on a deeper level than whether or not the solar plexus is defined?

These readings include in depth elements of Human Design as well as relevant Gene Key placements through both defined and undefined gates and channels, circuitry, lines/qualities of each of the defined gates, the parts of your chart that are not connected to the solar plexus but are a deep aspect of potential melancholy, anxiety or even depression for you when not recognized for what they are. You’ll learn how to use those energies to step into innovation and creativity and see them for the super powers they are. 

You’ll learn:

  • Where you may be emotionally impacting others and where others are potentially impacting you 

  • Where your biggest areas of emotional wisdom lie 

  • Where you have consistent fears, anxiety and nervousness that are holding back and where you're amplifying this from your environment

  • How to overcome those fears

  • How to use your emotions as creative fuel

  • Pitfalls to watch out for when it comes to your Strategy and Authority based on the emotional energy in your chart (regardless if your solar plexus is defined or not) 

  • What emotional waves have the biggest effect for you (whether these are your own emotional waves or you’re amplifying the waves of others) 

  • Where you’re most likely to create emotionality with other people 

  • What transits might have the biggest impact on you and what dates to pay particular attention to every year so you can use that time to supercharge your emotional deconditioning, growth and wisdom

  • How your emotions can show up consciously or unconsciously 

  • What your aura is communicating non-verbally to others, particular in regards to your emotions and more.